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- #6120
- @555 Enter the name of the GRANTOR (Seller):
- @103 Enter the city, state of GRANTOR:
- @001 Enter the name of the GRANTEE (Buyer):
- @100 Enter the street address of Buyer:
- @101 Enter the city, state, zip code of buyer:
- @105 Enter the county of residence of buyer:
- @106 Enter the state of residence of buyer:
- !104 Enter the sales price:
- @107 Enter the legal description:
- #end control section
- #6120
- /* Para. 6120: South Carolina statutory deed form */
- Grantee's Mailing Address:
- @001
- @100
- @101
- Know all men by these presents that I, @555, of @103, in the
- state aforesaid, in consideration of the sum of $ @104 (!104
- dollars) to me in hand paid by @001, of @105 County, State of
- @106, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have granted,
- bargained, sold and released and by these presents do grant,
- bargain, sell and release unto the said @002 all that:
- @107
- together with all and singluar the rights, members hereditaments
- and appurtenances to said premises belonging or in any wise
- incident or appertaining to have and to hold all and singular the
- premises before mentioned, unto said @002, his heirs and assigns
- forever. And I do hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and
- administratiors, heirs and assigns, against myself and my heirs
- and against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim
- the same, or any part thereof.
- Witness my hand and seal, this ________ day of
- __________________________, in the year of our Lord, and in the
- ________ year of the independence of the United States of
- America.
- In the presence of:
- _________________________________________
- Witness
- _________________________________________
- Witness
- State of ______________________)))
- County of _____________________)))
- @555, together with _________________ and _____________________,
- as witnesses, well known to me, appeared before me and
- acknowledged that they respectively executed and witnessed the
- deed